I am an associate professor at the department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University. My research is in the field of algorithms in computational biology. See the Bioinformatics group for more detail.
Previously I was affiliated
with biotech companies, Celera Genomics,
Applied Biosystems and
deCODE genetics .
My Ph.D. is in
Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization
from the Math Department of
Carnegie Mellon . My Ph.D. Thesis advisor was
R.Ravi .
I lead the Bioinformatics group
and am a member of the
algorithms and networks group
Reykjavik University and a member of
ICE-TCS (The Icelandic Centre of
Excellence in Theoretical Computer Science) .
Here is my CV .
Reykjavik UniversityMenntavegur 1
101 Reykjavik
T: x354-599-6247
Cell: x354-615-1729
E: bjarnivh (at ) ru.is

Related Pages
- Bioinformatics group
- Biomedical Engineering
- School of Computer Science
- School of Science and Engineering
- Algorithms and networks group
- Icelandic Center of Excellence in Theoretical Computer Science